knitreval = TRUE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
dev = "ragg_png",
dpi = 300
<- 'posts/strava-route-visualization'
.post_path ::i_am(glue::glue('{.post_path}/index.qmd'))
here::use(lockfile = here::here(.post_path, "renv.lock")) renv
This is a tutorial-like post to practice data manipulation, visualization and API principles. There has been one year since I started running in a weekly basis, and recently I completed my longest run so far (25km). I log my runs in Strava which has an API with free features that let you get some stats and even route points. Lets build a visualization of this run.
library(dplyr) # Data manipulation
library(httr2) # Make HTTP requests
library(jsonlite) # Handle json files
library(ggmap) # Mapping geometries
library(purrr) # Manipulate list elegantly
library(ggplot2) # Visualizations
library(here) # Working directory helper
library(systemfonts) # Work with fonts
library(ragg) # Work with fonts
GET Strava Activity Data
To extract data from strava, you need to create and register an app to get credentials. Follow steps in Getting Started.
Strava API use OAuth authentication protocol. Hadley has an article that explain how to connect OAuth from R using httr2
Basically it consist in getting credentials (client ID and secrets) and create the client to perform the authentication flow.
# Set client
<- httr2::oauth_client(
client id = Sys.getenv('STRAVA_CLIENT_ID'),
secret = Sys.getenv('STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET'),
token_url = "https://www.strava.com/oauth/token",
name = "strava-oauth-test"
# Apply client flow
<- httr2::oauth_flow_auth_code(
oauth client = client,
auth_url = 'https://www.strava.com/oauth/authorize',
scope = 'activity:read'
# Save temporal access token in environtment
Sys.setenv("STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN" = oauth$access_token)
Activity ID is explicit in the url of the strava webpage for the required activtity. We hit the /activity
endpoint setting the activity target id
<- request("https://www.strava.com/api/v3/activities/11886025399") %>%
activity ::req_auth_bearer_token(
) ::req_url_query(include_all_efforts = T) %>% # Include Splits and efforts
httr2req_perform() %>%
Bulding dataframes for the visualization
We got metrics for the activity like total distance, moving time and elevation. Lets store them to use in the visual
<- activity %>%
metrics keep_at(c('distance', 'moving_time', 'total_elevation_gain', 'average_heartrate')) %>%
flatten_dfc() %>%
moving_time = moving_time/60,
distance = distance/1000,
pace = moving_time/distance
# A tibble: 1 × 5
distance moving_time total_elevation_gain average_heartrate pace
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 25.3 155. 75.2 147. 6.11
We want to plot the route of the run, so we need to extract the polyline. This comes encoded with google algorithm, we can use googlePolylines
package to decode it.
<- activity %>%
route pluck('map', 'polyline', 1) %>%
::decode() %>%
googlePolylinespluck(1) %>%
# Compute Distance between points to locate the fastest split in the polyline
dist = geosphere::distHaversine(
cbind(lon, lat),
cbind(lag(lon), lag(lat))
),distcum = cumsum(tidyr::replace_na(dist, 0))
To apply a map backgroung we can use ggmap and the free tier of stadia maps. It needs an API key that you could get folling instructions in the ggmap readme
<- make_bbox(lon, lat, data = route)
bbox <- get_stadiamap( bbox = bbox, maptype = "stamen_toner_lite", zoom = 14 ) map
So far we have elements to build a visual with the route in a city map background
<- '#fc4c02'
<- ggmap(map) +
# Path (route)
data = route,
color = .linecolor,
linewidth = 2.5,
aes(x = lon, y = lat)
) geom_path(
data = route,
color = 'white',
linewidth = 0.2,
aes(x = lon, y = lat)
There is no clear initial and finish points in the route. That is because I did a circuit. Lets add it to make it more explicit
<- route %>%
start # First record of route is start
slice_head(n = 1) %>%
mutate(label_ = 'Start')
# Points to build an arrow to signal start direction
<- route %>%
start_arrow filter(
row_number() %in% c(1, 6)
) select(lat, lon) %>%
lat = lat+0.0012,
aux = c('start', 'end')
) ::pivot_wider(names_from = aux, values_from = c(lat, lon)) tidyr
Strava also logs performance metrics for every kilometer, they call it splits
. We can investigate the location of the fastest split.
<- activity$splits_metric %>%
splits map(~flatten(.x) %>% as_tibble) %>%
list_rbind() %>%
# Get pace in minutes per kilometer
pace = (lubridate::today() + lubridate::seconds_to_period(moving_time)) %>%
format(format = '%M:%S') %>%
<- splits %>%
best_split filter(distance == 1000) %>% # Omit final split with less than 1 km of distance
slice_min(order_by = moving_time, n = 1, with_ties = FALSE)
# Last point of the fastest kilometer
<- route %>%
best_split_coord mutate(
closest_coord = abs(distcum-(best_split$split*1000))
) slice_min(order_by = closest_coord, n = 1, with_ties = FALSE) %>%
pace = best_split$pace,
avg_heartrate = best_split$average_heartrate,
label_ = glue::glue('<span style="font-size:7pt;">*end of*</span> **Fastest Kilometer**<br>Pace: {pace}<br>Avg HeartRate: {round(avg_heartrate, 0)} bpm')
Final Plot
Lets include start point and fastest split in the visual. Also lets enhance fonts, this is a good post on how to use custom fonts in ggplot
<- '#fc4c02'
# Start-Finish points
data = start,
size = 4, color = .linecolor,
aes(x = lon, y = lat)
# Start-Finish Arrow Labels
data = start_arrow,
color = .linecolor,
linewidth = 1,
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.05, "npc")),
x = lon_start, xend = lon_end,
y = lat_start, yend = lat_end
) geom_text(
data = start,
color = .linecolor,
size = 4,
aes(x = lon, y = lat+0.0022, label = label_)
# Best Split
data = best_split_coord,
color = .linecolor,
linewidth = 1,
aes(x = lon, y = lat, yend = lat-0.012)
) ::geom_richtext(
ggtextdata = best_split_coord,
nudge_y = -0.012,
color = 'white',
size = 4,
fill = .linecolor,
aes(x = lon, y = lat, label = label_)
# Theme
base_family = 'Saira'
) labs(
title = "25 km @Caracas",
tag = glue::glue("**Pace:** {round(metrics$pace, 2)}<br>**Elevation Gain:** {metrics$total_elevation_gain}"),
caption = "Source: Strava | Graphic: Rodrigo Serrano"
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(size = 25, hjust = .1, face = 'bold'),
plot.caption = element_text(hjust = .95),
plot.tag.position = c(0.80, 0.92),
plot.tag = ggtext::element_markdown(size = 10, hjust = 0)